This is the Manhattan Hotel located on the northeast corner of Chelsea Avenue and Second Avenue.

This is a very old image of the Ocean Hotel located where the Ocean Place Conference Center is today.

The United States Hotel.

The Howland Hotel.

The Octagon Hotel.

The image above is titled "The Brighton Hotel." dated September 3, 1907.  An image below taken years later of the same building is titled "The Ambassador Hotel"  Dated August 5, 1930.

The Seaside Hotel on the beach at Atlantic and Ocean Avenues.

The Riviera Hotel located at 156 Ocean Avenue.

The Ocean Plaza Hotel.  Compare it with the image above.

The Central Hotel.

The Florence Hotel.

The Hotel Phelando.

The Original "Atlantic Hotel" on Ocean Avenue.

The "New Atlantic Hotel" on Ocean Avenue near Pavilion Avenue.

The Hollywood Hotel.

The Hollywood Hotel, looking southwest from Hoey and Cedar Avenues. Dated August 29th, 1908.

The Hollywood Hotel,  pool area.

This view of the Takanassee Hotel, located near corner of Brighton and Ocean Avenues where the Diplomat Apartments and a bank are located today.  Dated September 10th, 1919.

The Garfield Grant Hotel appearing much the way is does today at the northwest corner of Broadway and Fifth Avenue.

This is the "Hotel Vendome" dated July 9th, 1935.   Located on the site where the Sea Verge Apartments are today.

The Vendome and the New Scarboro Hotel located on the corner of Bath and Ocean Avenues.

The original Scarboro Hotel located on the northwest corner of Bath and Ocean Avenues.

Postmarked June 12, 1935, the new Hotel Scarboro Hotel keeps some of the original character of the one it replaced in the detail of the carport and balconies.  The only thing to remain throughout the years to today is the fire hydrant on the corner.  Today  this is the site of the Sea View Towers, originally named Scott Towers after the builders grandson Scott Marlin, memorialized by a cornerstone marble "S" found on the site from the demolished Scarboro.  Sea View Towers has recently been slated for demolition and we shall soon see a 4th generation of construction on this site.  I've been told by the builder's son, Howard, that a time chest lies hidden in one corner. It would be great to see it carried forward with the marble "S" and incorporated into the new structure.

This building is titled "The Brighton Hotel", this one was located on the corner where the Bank of New York is today.

This card was sent by Helen Van Brunt, then of 42 Dudley Street to John Haley,Machine Gun Troop, 4th Cavalry, Hawaiian Territory.

The Hotel Elberon.

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Music credit: "The New Rag", Scott Joplin, Composer